Call for Abstracts
Abstract submission
The Organizing and Program Committees of the Bioderived Electronics 2022 are pleased to open this call for abstracts of oral and poster presentations from faculty members, staff scientists, post-docs, and students, to be submitted via the Submission Form.
Topics to be included in Bioderived Electronics 2022 (non-exclusive list):
Biomolecular junctions – This topic concerns measuring the solid-state electron transport across a biological material on the nm-scale (usually < 10 nm).
Transport across bioderived nanowires – This topic concerns the charge (electrons, protons, ions) propagation across a nanowire (and usually across 100s of nm up to μm’s). This topic concerns both natural biological nanowires as well as synthetic bioderived nanowires.
Transport across biopolymers – This topic concerns the charge (electrons, protons, ions) propagation across bioderived materials in the form of macroscopic biopolymers.
Whole cell electronics – This topic concerns the utilization of whole cell electronics using ‘electroactive’ or ‘optoelectronic’ cells (such as bacteria, cyanobacteria, or plant cells). This topic includes the utilization of the cells for applications, such as harnessing energy in fuel cells or photovoltaic cells.
Quantum phenomena in bioderived electronics – This topic concerns quantum phenomena related to bioderived electronic devices, such as chiral-induced spin selectivity across a biomolecular junction, coherence-assisted or metal-like electron transport across bioderived nanowires and biopolymers, apparent quantum tunneling over unexplainable long distances, and light-induced coherent energy transfer in photosystem-based systems.
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
Before you start the online submission, please prepare the following information. Abstracts must be submitted in English via the online Submission Form link above.
- Abstract Title – Limited to 25 words. Use Sentence case (Capitalize each word in the title).
- Abstract Body – Should not exceed 300 words.
- * One A4 page (including references and figures) – PDF or DOCX format.
* 14pt Times New Roman for title. - * 12pt Times New Roman for affiliations and main text.
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